Network Tools


Network Tools allow a user to find information about a domain. This can be useful when making sure your DNS is set up properly. This feature provides a way for you to find out information about your IP address as well as your DNS entries. Network Tools also allow you to run a trace the route from the server your site is on to the computer you are accessing cPanel. The information shown will provide the number of servers and what servers your data must pass through to get to your site.


Using Domain Lookup

To use the "Domain Lookup" feature, enter the domain you want to lookup in the "Enter a domain to lookup" text box. Then click on the Lookup button. The next screen provides information about the domain you are looking up.


Using The Trace Route

Click on the Trace button. The next screen provides information about the trace route, including hops and number of milliseconds it took each hop during the route from your computer to the domain you are using cPanel.

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