Add a Host Entry

A Host Entry can be added when you want your domain to resolve to our server locally (on your own computer only) while the real domain is still pointed elsewhere. 

The way to add a Host Entry differs on each computer Operating System. 


Use a text editor like Notepad (with Administrator priviledge) to open the file below:-

Add your domain with the following format:-

Where is the Shared or Dedicated IP for your hosting account. 

Save the file and make sure Notepad does not add any extension to the file (like .txt). 

Mac OS X

Open by going to Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal.

Enter the following command:-
nano /private/etc/hosts

Add your domain with the following format:-

Where is the Shared or Dedicated IP for your hosting account. 

Press control-o to save the file. Press enter on the filename prompt, and control-x to exit the editor.


Go to Finder, and in the Finder menu bar select Go => Go to Folder
Type the following; /private/etc/hosts
Right click on the hosts file, and select to edit the file with the text editor
Edit the file and don't forget to save the changes. 

If you are unable to edit the file directly at the current location, drag the hosts file to your desktop and edit the file. Once done, remember to drag the hosts file back. 

In order to reload the DNS cache, open Terminal and type the following command: 

On OSX Lion or Mountain Lion;
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

OSX 10.6;
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

Ubuntu Linux

Use a text editor (with sudo) to open the file below:-

Add your domain with the following format:-

Where is the Shared or Dedicated IP for your hosting account. 

Save the file. 
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