Getting Started Wizard


cPanel 11 has a built-in wizard that can help you configure your control panel quickly. The "Getting Started Wizard" provides seven (7) configuration sections you can take step-by-step to get your system configured properly.


The seven (7) configuration sections are:

  • New Email Account Setup
  • Access Email through Webmail
  • Update Contact Information
  • Setup Default Address
  • Subdomain Configuration
  • Change cPanel Look and Feel


When the "Getting Started Wizard" page loads, you have two choices:

  • Use the "Jump to Section" (You can use this feature at any point during the wizard. It appears on every page and allows you to "jump" to any of the seven (7) configuration sections.
  • Click on the Begin Wizard button to through the wizard and each step.
  • 4 Users Found This Useful
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